Daddy and Mummy met many years ago through mutual friends who used to hang out in a msn chat room cunningly disguised as a medieval style inn - I say style because I've yet to see a bona fide medieval inn with jello pools - and we'd often spend the night chatting away over sometimes silly topics while I wrote my current paper for university (I had a lot to write). Time went on people drifted off from the group and came back or vanished for good and we were both still there, talking and keeping in touch with each other. when one friend reappeared after quite an absence she pointed out that all each of us was really talking about was the other person.....yes we were pretty oblivious. There followed a fair amount of transatlantic flights and trying to figure out if this was going to work, could this work long distance......well obviously it could and did. We got married in Scotland in April of 2007 and then went through the long process of getting me moved to the states, it took 18 months.
Then we started to find a house, buy the house, gained a cat - Mitzi - from the local shelter, and were trying for a family. Of all of them trying for a baby was the hardest. 2009 was a tough year all round. We lost 2 of my grandparents 4 months apart, and it seemed like I was flying back and forth all the time, nothing was working on the creating a babykins and while we kept trying I was getting very down about it and distracting myself with lots of knitting and awesomeness of the HPKCHC. After a full year of trying our hardest I called it and insisted we needed to go see someone and find out what was wrong, was my PCOS making it too hard or was there another reason. I spoke to my doc, who suggested a specialist and we finally got to see them in late march. In the meantime I'd relaxed a bit because I didn't think there was anything to be done until we saw someone and we went for a nice weekend away to meet up with some house cup friends and buy more yarn. We started the tests for the specialist and the first was an ultrasound to make sure theres no problems with my pipes so to speak.....We shocked the woman doing it. She said it was a first for her but there for us to see on the monitor was this little thing with a tiny fluttering heart just visible. We were just over 6 weeks.
I think I spent that first week in absolute shock, staring at the ultrasound picture as if I thought it was all a dream and I'd wake up to find it wasn't true. we had another scan 2 weeks later and everything was still fine so they signed us off and we started seeing a regular OB. We waited until we were 3 months before we told anyone but the immediate family, even my nieces and nephews didn't know til then. Then at 20 weeks we went for another scan - this time they could tell us we were having a girl, this meant we only had to narrow down 50% of the names we'd been considering.
At 28 weeks I failed the glucose test is spectacular fashion and started testing and all for Gestational Diabetes. We then had another scan at 32 weeks and at 36 weeks to check on baby and started twice weekly non-stress tests - where we spent up to an hour hooked up to a monitor. Each week we'd get a small scan to check fluid and vitals and although she used to play hide and seek with the monitor, on these they could see she had plenty of fluid and was doing everything they expected to see, practice breathing, moving, heart beating fine....
Because of the gestational diabetes our doctors didn't want us to go past our due date, so we finally got booked in for an induction starting late evening on the 10th November.......babykins was born in the evening on the 12th....but the story of all that will have to wait for another day :D